GPS Trackers – Cleantech innovations and developments in the future

GPS Trackers – Cleantech innovations and developments in the future

For which matters and situations can GPS devices still be used? Crucially, tracking by satellites can take many forms. Some areas arise randomly through practice. These trackers are not the same as the apps on the smartphone. They can complement each other. If the smartphone fails or there is no stable network, the tracker can be used as a substitute. In rural areas and in Scandinavia, for example, the connection quality can be weak. There are radio holes and in holiday areas or on hiking tours you need vital orientation. Even with a compass, there is still no point of orientation. Many people use a GPS tracker for a variety of situations in everyday life. It is a matter of responsible use of technology.

Basic GPS functions

This is an important reason for buying the product in the future: the possibility of orientation in geographically more difficult and closed areas. These can be mountainous regions and vast areas. One’s own safety is increased by the orientation capability. In an emergency, the device can be located so that the police or ambulance can be called if there are no road and path markings.

Tracking does not only apply to healthy people, but also to sick and needy people who can call for help in an emergency, which is done by a special help button. Bicycles and lost objects can be tracked, or children and lost people, which becomes more important in times of kidnappings in playgrounds and untrustworthy people. Theft can be tracked. Pets can be found again. In this way, “tracing” animals with handbills can be dispensed with. Another use can be “ankle bracelets” for criminals by allowing the police to monitor criminals and offenders. This is useful in prison and during a period of probation, in order to further carry out and monitor the execution of sentences.

Notes on purchase

When buying, one should make sure that the tracker has sufficient tracking speed. Secondly, one should pay attention to a good battery that has a long shelf life. GPS trackers consume a significant amount of power if they are running during a movement. It is possible to switch off the GPS if the pedometer is sufficient. In the future, it will be possible to have a GPS function without a SIM card in the mobile phone. This would make the GPS more impersonal and at the same time there would be security gaps. In the future, the case or the limitation will be to increase the security measures. If there is a greater number of radio signals in the air, the greater the likelihood of contradictions and overlapping of signals. Radio waves can be intercepted. If a bicycle is to be stolen, it can be located by foreign devices. In the future, it is questionable how the radio waves can be protected. A mobile phone and its SIM card can be stolen. Can the PINs be cracked?

Personal experience and susceptibility to GPS interference

Personal experiences with GPS devices concern running and hiking tours, for example. In order to record routes, distances or kilometres accurately, a GPS tracker in the running or sports watch is advantageous. The problem is the limited range. In closed areas, a GPS signal is susceptible to interference due to certain environmental conditions or the connection cannot be properly established and set up. In open areas, such as a meadow, the experience with the device is positive and there are no obstacles in the way of the watch. This could be blocks of houses in the city or, in the case of bad weather, a cloudy sky.

Conclusion and outlook

In conclusion, it can be said that future developments and innovations in the use of GPS trackers depend on the individual situation. They can be used to locate one’s position in order to orientate oneself. This is advantageous when travelling or on holiday if you are in a place that is closed off from the network. If the WLAN does not work, the GPS can be a substitute. In an emergency, the police, fire brigade or ambulance can be called, and they can determine the individual’s location. For people in need of help, there are GPS trackers that allow them to press a special red button in an emergency so that the elderly service can be called. This is important in situations from which a person cannot extricate themselves.